Saturday, February 5, 2011

Get Him To The Greek

Is it just me, or are Jonah Hill's roles getting to predictable. Don't get me wrong, i love his movies but his roles seem the same. The odd chunky dude, who can't seem to do anything right until the end of the film, where there is this touching end. Even though the role seemed the same, him and Russel Brand, do make quite the team. Russel Brand, being a very talented actor, already being in several other comedy flicks, performed some of his best work here. His memorable performance of the addicted-to-drugs rock star, Aldous Snow, was (in my opinion) very good. Although some of the songs were a little more than stupid, I cannot Complain. All in all, Get him to the Greek, was an entertaining movie. If you feel differently than I do, all you have to do, is comment below.

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