Saturday, February 5, 2011


Christopher Nolan is out of his mind. Inception was awesome beyond belief. I cannot explain much about it, because the plot is way too thick. But if you want to see a movie about a bunch of thieves, sneaking around in peoples dreams, with special effects that blows the doors off of anything this year, watch inception. It's worth it.
So as i have said before, comment


Ok, so I'll be honest. M. Night Shymalan, is not one of my favorite directors. His movies have all either been alright, or just completely sucked. Movies like, 'The sixth sense,' or, 'War Of The World' were alright. And the happening wasn't bad either. But the rest, i did not like. I recently watched the movie 'devil.' It surprised me. Shymalan's protroyal of fear mixed with confusion was really good. It balanced out the religious aspect of the devil and the idea of a lot of people being killed in an elevator, some-what nicely. I liked the style he added. Although I do not like Shymalans other projects, Devil, will have to do. If you feel differently than i do, please comment below.

Get Him To The Greek

Is it just me, or are Jonah Hill's roles getting to predictable. Don't get me wrong, i love his movies but his roles seem the same. The odd chunky dude, who can't seem to do anything right until the end of the film, where there is this touching end. Even though the role seemed the same, him and Russel Brand, do make quite the team. Russel Brand, being a very talented actor, already being in several other comedy flicks, performed some of his best work here. His memorable performance of the addicted-to-drugs rock star, Aldous Snow, was (in my opinion) very good. Although some of the songs were a little more than stupid, I cannot Complain. All in all, Get him to the Greek, was an entertaining movie. If you feel differently than I do, all you have to do, is comment below.